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Kaseya VSA

This guide will walk you through setting up basic Kaseya VSA monitoring with Perch. You’ll need the following on hand to complete the setup:

  • Kaseya VSA v9.4 or above publicly available over HTTPS
  • The Kaseya VSA instance base URL


To generate OAuth credentials for Kaseya VSA, follow the official guide, here

Some notes on the auth process:

  • We recommend you use the client name “Perch” or similar.
  • When asked for a redirect URL, use the one provided to you in Perch.
  • Enter the client id and client secret that were emailed to you by Kaseya VSA in Perch.
  • Save and reload the Perch settings page after entering all info to enable the Authorization button.
  • Perch has access to the same logs as the user that completes the Oauth flow, so we recommend granting access from a user that can access all agent logs.


configuring kaseya vsa in perch

  1. After the authentication has been configured, slide the slider for “Enable log collection” to enabled and click the saveSave icon.

What Perch Collects

Through the Kaseya VSA REST API, Perch can collect the following logs:

  • Agent logs
  • Agent procedure logs
  • Alarm logs
  • Configuration changes logs
  • Monitor action logs
  • Network statistics logs
  • Kaseya remote control logs
  • Application event logs
  • Directory services event logs
  • DNS server event logs
  • Internet explorer event logs
  • Security event logs
  • System event logs
  • Log monitoring logs

NOTE: The logs we collect are based on the permissions of the user you provide credentials for so be sure your API user can access all of these resources.