Now that you know what Perchybana is, it’s time to learn how to use it. You will be an expert analyst in no time!
This is not a step-by-step guide, but the numbers below reference the picture above.
The search bar can take strings, numeric, and boolean operators. The feature allows for dynamic searching to include/exclude values within specified fields in the final search.
The time frame selection can either be quick, relative, or absolute. The first option, is a series of quick filtering options (ie. “Last” 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, etc.). The second option, allows an analyst to specify a relative time frame (ie. “Last” 32 minutes, 23 hours, 8 days, etc.). The last option, is the absolute time frame. The analyst can specify the day and time down to the millisecond (ie. “2017-09-06 15:03:11.899” to “2017-09-06 15:18:11.899”).
The last option, is the absolute time frame. The analyst can specify the day and time down to the millisecond (ie. “2017-09-06 15:03:11.899” to “2017-09-06 15:18:11.899”).