
Setting up an Azure cloud sensor

Copy the Perch Sensor VHD to your Storage Account

  1. Log into your Azure tenant at

  2. Navigate to Storage Accounts

  3. Note the storage account you wish to copy the VHD to and the associated storage account key (replace the destination URL and DestKey with the values from your tenant)

  4. Go to and type the following command:

    azcopy copy https://get-the-source-vhd-location-from-perch-support yourstorage/Perch-Sensor-Azure.vhd


In the azcopy command replace yourtenant, yourstorage, and with values from your Azure instance.

Create the Managed Disk

  1. Navigate to Disks (type disks into the azure search bar)
  2. Add a new disk
  3. In Project Details, choose the appropriate Subscription and Resource group
  4. In Disk Details, fill in the appropriate Disk Name, desired Region, Source type is set to Storage blob and click browse to navigate to the copied VHD from the previous section in Source subscription
  5. Choose Next >
  6. Choose to add custom tags if you have a categorization taxonomy
  7. Choose Next: Review + create >
  8. After validation has passed, Choose Create

Create a virtual machine from the managed disk

  1. Within the Azure tenant, navigate to Disks
  2. Choose the managed disk created in the previous section
  3. Choose Create VM
  4. Choose Project Details
  5. Choose Instance Details - at a minimum the Perch Sensor in Azure must be a D2s-v3
  6. If you do not have a jump box to access SSH within Azure, you need to temporarily allow SSH inbound to the sensor for configuration after the Virtual Machine is created.
  7. Choose Next : Disks >
  8. No disk configuration is required, choose Next : Networking >
  9. Verify the proper Virtual network, Subnet, Public IP settings are selected (this is dependent on the networking configuration of your Azure tenant. Click Next : Management >
  10. Choose your monitoring preferences, in this example we have turned on Boot diagnostics. Click Next : Advanced >
  11. Click Next : Tags >
  12. Here you may choose to add tags to the Virtual Machine if you have an established taxonomy. Choose Next : Review + create >
  13. After the validation has passed, click Create.
  14. Wait for deployment to finish
  15. After the deployment has succeeded, navigate to Virtual machines
  16. Choose the newly created Virtual Machine
  17. Make note of the private and public IP addresses (if you chose to expose SSH in step 6)
  18. You are now ready to SSH to the sensor and configure it for use with Perch

Configuring the sensor

  1. Leveraging an SSH client like PuTTY, connect to the IP address of the Perch Sensor and connect with
  2. Follow registration steps outlined here

Choose eth0 for the management interface and vxlan42 for the monitoring interface