
Setting up an AWS cloud sensor

You can access the public AMI image to deploy the AWS Perch sensor in most regions. If the image is not found in your region, email We will need your company name and your AWS Account ID. Instructions on finding your AWS Account ID can be found here:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. Navigate to Images > AMI.
  3. Select Public images in the drop-down.
  4. Enter perch-sensor in the search bar.
  5. Select the perch-sensor image.
  6. Provision a t3.large instance and choose either Review and Launch or Next: Configure Instance Details to further configure the instance details.Create a new, or choose an existing keypair for the sensor instance and click Launch Instance.
  7. Once the instance has launched, log into the instance with the username centos and the preconfigured key from the previous step.
  8. At the prompt type sudo su perch to invoke the setup.
  9. Follow the instructions available here for setting up the sensor:
  10. Choose ens5 for the management interface and vxlan42 for the monitoring interface.